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Journey of a Strong-Willed Child

by Kendra Smiley with Aaron Smiley, DVM, and John Smiley

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Journey of a Strong-Willed Child by Kendra Smiley with Aaron Smiley, DVM, and John Smiley. Paperback, 160 pages, $13.99. Published by Moody Publishers. Please support by buying this book using our Christian Book Distributors link or our Amazon affiliate link.

Author Kendra Smiley, her husband, and their strong-willed child, now a grown man, Aaron Smiley share their struggles together in Journey of a Strong-Willed Child. The parents offer insight into their son's determination and "black and white" world that began at a young age. They discuss how important it is from the child's perspective for him to win -- even if the victory hurts him in the long haul. With the Smileys lives as examples, readers will be inspired and encouraged to work harder at raising the difficult child.

One of the particularly valuable aspects of Journey of a Strong-Willed Child is being able to read the viewpoint of Aaron, who was the strong-willed child. He offers his perspective of how he responded in certain situations, what did and didn't work, and how surprised he was to find that he was a topic of conversation among parents. He suggests many ideas that will help others understand the strong-willed child and youth.

Journey of a Strong-Willed Child is full of godly advice and recommendations. Written from a Christian perspective, this book reminds us how we must call upon the Lord to help us with our struggles. Journey of a Strong-Willed Child will renew the weary parent's strength in working with a high-maintenance son or daughter. resources related to this review:'s All About Homeschooling Section
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