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The Image of a Father

by Bryan Davis

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: The Image of a Father by Bryan Davis. Hardcover. $14.99 Please support by buying this book from our Amazon affiliate link.

Bryan Davis, homeschooling father of seven children, expounds on the wisdom he has developed as a father using God the father as his guide and inspiration. Using amusing and moving anecdotes from his parenting experiences, Mr. Davis relates how following God's example will allow a father to become a better parent and husband. Throughout the book, the author's interest in having close and respectful family relationships is evident, but he also offers comforting words to those parents whose children have gone astray despite their Christian upbringing. He uses Scripture to make many of his points and summarizes the key aspects of each chapter for easy reference and review.

Recommendation: The Image of a Father would make an excellent gift for a newlywed man or a father who is looking to improve his walk with Christ and his family relationships. With the chapters being broken into Godly characteristics, the book would also be effective as a study for a Christian men's group. The Image of a Father will be food for the soul of Christian homeschooling dads, offering support and confirmation of their sacrifices for their families. resources related to this review:'s All About Homeschooling Section
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