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The Joshua Generation

by Michael Farris

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: The Joshua Generation by Michael Farris. Paperback, 210 pages. $12.99. Published by Broadman-Holman. Please support by buying this program from our Christian Book Distributors link or Amazon affiliate link.

Michael Farris makes a call to action in his book, The Joshua Generation. Drawing a comparison between our times and those of Moses and Joshua, he refers to homeschooling parents as the "Moses generation," people who left Egypt (the public school system) but have not reached the Promised Land. The "Joshua Generation," homeschooled children, must "take back the land" by turning our country back to the standards and values of the Founding Fathers.

Stressing that homeschooled students are destined for leadership in the United States, the author discusses some of the problems with education today. Ivy League universities once had the goal of forming a well-rounded, wisdom-seeking person with a love of God and country. Current schools stress humanism; and colleges and universities are loaded with ultra-liberal professors who hammer students with their beliefs presented as facts. Textbooks are frequently inaccurate and slanted to the political left. History texts, in particular, represent the United States as an evil nation with misguided principles. Even the most well-grounded Christian student will be affected when surrounded by this onslaught of material.

Historically, leaders of our country have graduated from Ivy League schools, so the solution from Mr. Farris's perspective is the establishment of a Christian Ivy League, schools with the quality and reputation of traditional Ivy League schools. These schools must truly embrace and practice Christian principles, rather than giving lip service to them. Homeschooled students could then attend these schools and become first-class lawyers, journalists, and college professors who "can turn America back to the spirit of the founding fathers and be remembered as a truly pivotal generation in our nation's history." Calling upon God for help in all decisions, these "young people as adults can have a tremendous impact on our society for good."

Recommendation: Michael Farris uses a powerful comparison between our times and those of Moses to illustrate his point that we CAN turn the tide of liberalism and secularism in our country. The Joshua Generation is an excellent book to motivate and provide direction for homeschooling families whose children aspire to leadership. It is a "must read" for parents of college-bound students. resources related to this review:'s All About Homeschooling Section
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