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Home and Life Management Skills

Modesty, Purity, Finding a Spouse

Modesty and Purity

Maintaining purity has become increasingly difficult in our world of casual intimacy. The resources here are to help Christian boys and girls learn about the importance of modesty and purity.

Beauty comes from within, and a Christ-filled spirit is more attractive than anything! See TX Stephanie's interpretation of the Modern Proverbs 31 Woman as an example of the ideal girl of today.

Reviews of Books about Modesty, Purity, and Relationships

Courtship or Dating?

Which will it be? The world pushes young people into "dating" in elementary school. Below are some resources to help you begin your consideration of what is best for your family.

Feature article:'s Ideas for Courting - valuable, first-hand insight from people who have traveled this road.

Interview about relationships and betrothal with Israel Wayne, author of What God Has Joined Together.

Reviews of Books about Courting and Dating

Additional books for study of modesty, purity, and courting.

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