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Home Economics and Life Management

The Modern Proverbs 31 Woman

by TX Stephanie

Here is an interpretation of Proverbs 31 for girls of today.

I am a wife of valor and worth. My price is far about rubies; I am precious and worth much. I am truly rare.

My husband has confidence in me, and has no lack of gain. I am truly trustworthy.

I do good to my husband and shall never bring harm or evil to him. I am constant in my love.

I seek for our needs and use my hands to meet them when necessary. I am industrious.

I will go anywhere to get food at a bargain for my family. I am thrifty in my purchases.

I get up willingly to prepare the day for my family. I am self-starting.

I consider our needs when buying for the family, and I use my hands to prosper us. I am enterprising.

I am willing to do hard work, and I keep fit to do so. I am not lazy.