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Raising Maidens of Virtue

by Stacy McDonald

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Raising Maidens of Virtue, A Study of Feminine Loveliness for Mothers and Daughters by Stacy McDonald. Hardcover, 227 pages, $20. Published by Books on the Path. Please support by buying this program from our Christian Book Distributors link or Amazon affiliate link.

In Raising Maidens of Virtue, Stacy McDonald shares her vision of returning to the times of the past when girls and young women practiced purity, honor, and Godliness while waiting for God's plan for adulthood to unfold. A beautiful cover and Johannah Bluedorn's charming illustrations instantly attract girls to the book, and the meaty content provides thought-provoking material for mothers to share with their daughters.

The author recommends that young readers should have a mentor, preferably their mothers, to go through this Biblical study with them; however, if no mentor is immediately available, the young lady should take heart and pray for God to send a Godly, older woman to fill the role.

In the introduction, Mrs. McDonald points out that families may find parts of the book "convicting, unpleasant, or difficult at first." However, mothers and daughters should not allow these emotions to avoid thinking about the topics covered. Perhaps these very topics are ones that the Holy Spirit wishes the family to address.

The chapters begin with a relevant Bible verse and either a fictional story or an event from the McDonald family's experience. Feelings that a girl might have in the situation described are explored through dialogue and the character's thoughts, so that the reader finds herself in that character's shoes. Next, in the "Share Your Heart" section, specific questions, Scripture selections, and activity suggestions lead the maiden to find the desired answers through deduction. A prayer then reminds the reader of the important actions that she must take with God's help.

The topics of Raising Maidens of Virtue focus on preparing daughters to keep a home, raise children, and help their husbands. Girls remain under the authority of their fathers until their fathers transfer responsibility to the bridegrooms. College is not recommended for girls, but rather homemaking skills and preparation for marriage should be their focus. The studies stress control of mouth, hospitality, modesty in dress and manners, faithfulness to the future husband in thought and deed, family relationships, and maintaining purity in a fallen, sinful world. At all times, the author acknowledges that turning from worldly ways is not easy and will earn strange looks and comments from other people, but she emphasizes that one must be faithful to God as shown in Scripture. Mrs. McDonald uses her own maidens as examples when she discusses making an agreement between the girls and their father to trust their hearts and future to his guidance.

Raising Maidens of Virtue ends with suggestions for memory-making projects and further reading. Detailed ideas for a journal, a scrapbook, a prayer book, and a literary luncheon are included.

Recommendation: Raising Maidens of Virtue clearly contrasts the virtuous girlhood of the past and today's childhood. Stacy McDonald charts a course for Reformed/Calvinist Christian families to return to the important purity and innocence that have been lost in our society. Mothers should read the book themselves before implementing it with their daughters so that they may make doctrinal adjustments as required and so that they may discuss the ideas presented with their husbands or pray for their husbands' agreement if needed.

This brief, but exceptionally effective study can have tremendous impact on Christian society. Mothers of girls of all ages should read Raising Maidens of Virtue and allow their eyes to be opened to an alternative to the sin-filled youth so typical today. resources related to this review:

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