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What's Next? God, Israel and the Future of Iraq

by Charles H. Dyer

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: What's Next? God, Israel and the Future of Iraq by Charles H. Dyer. Paperback, $12.99. Available from Moody Publishers. Please support by buying this program from our Amazon affiliate link.

In What's Next? God, Israel and the Future of Iraq, Charles H. Dyer reveals many insights about the situation in the Middle East. He begins with a discussion of the importance of historical events and the cultural differences between the Western world and the Muslim world. Using stories from his extensive travels through the Holy Land, Dr. Dyer presents the life and views of average citizens of different faiths in a battle between extremist terrorist organizations, the Israelis, and those who support either side. He devotes a chapter to the perception that American evangelicals have of Israel and recommends a a course of action for Christians to follow in regards to both Israelis and Arabs. Throughout the book, the author relates events of today to the Bible and later, gives an overview of the events to come in the Holy Land, based on Biblical prophesy. What's Next? ends with a call to accept Jesus to non-believers and a message of encouragement to those who already have a relationship with Christ.

Recommendation: What's Next? is a book that is especially relevant during the current "war on terrorism" and in light of the upcoming presidential election. It would be an interesting addition to current event studies for Christian students from seventh grade through high school. Parents will find Dr. Dyer's comments and insights into a culture very different than ours to be equally thought provoking. resources related to this review:'s Civics and Government Resources Section
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