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Curricula and Learning Links - Language Arts

Language Arts Links

References for Language Arts

Brainy Quote Search quotations by subject, author, author's job, author's name.

Citation Styles References for citing sources using MLA style, APA Style, Chicago Style, CBE Style, and others. Includes dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, word of the day, Spanish word of the day, and more.

GradeSaver Free on-line study guides.

HighBeam Encyclopedia Search this free online library including the Oxford Dictionaries, Columbia Encyclopedia, and millions of newspaper and magazine articles.

Idiom Connection A collection of idioms, phrasal verbs, and proverbs.

I Love Languages A comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources.

The Quotations Page Over 26,000 quotations from over 3,100 authors.

Roget's Thesaurus Search Roget's Thesaurus for synonyms and antonyms. From the University of Chicago.

Rhyming Dictionary Type in a word to find rhymes, synonyms, definitions.

Sparknotes On-line literature, poetry, philosphy, history study guides. ACT and SAT test preparation resources.

The Internet Acronym Server Database where you can search for the meaning of an acronym (abbreviation.)

Webster's 1828 Dictionary Contains the greatest number of Biblical definitions given in any reference volume. Very helpful for reading the King James Version of the Bible.


International Collection of Tongue Twisters Over 2,000 entries in over 100 languages!

Tongue Twisters In English and foreign languages.

Voice Performance: Exercises A good way to improve one's delivery of normal phrases is to practice on difficult ones. This site offers a variety of tongue-twisters and other exercises to improve speaking skills.

Other Language Arts Links