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Curricula and Learning Links - Career Exploration

Technical Writer

by Mr. Sanger of a cell phone company

What do you do in this job?

Depends on who you are working for. First job of writing for a cell phone company, They gave me the training. You have instruction books that went to a product and every time they changed the product in any way you had to write that up in the book (change that section). Plus when you were finished they would take that book and they had a room that had the product in it and they would have a messed up product and use that book to fix it. If by using that book the problem wasn't fixed, you had to go back and re-write that part of the book till the product could be fixed.

Why is it interesting? What makes it rewarding?

Been doing this a lot of years and it is not a very interesting job, but does pay fairly well.

How do you become qualified for this job?

I was required to have a bachelors degree. The companies I have worked for all trained me for each product. Once that is mastered, you (if you do your job well and do not need to be hand held) are chosen to be lead writer on projects. you are responsibile for it from beginning to the end.

You do have to know grammar very well, even though they have editors that check your work. I have caught a lot of mistakes they have made. You do have to have people skills.

How would a young person find out more about this job?

Find a person that is in the field and see if you could go to work with them one day.

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