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Curricula and Learning Links - Career Exploration

IT - Information Systems Technician

by Stephanie Byrd of the U.S. Navy

What do you do in this job?

I rebuild computers, install software, I have administration duties with my command. In radio, I work with satellites, cryptography, download messages for command, handle sensitive material.

Why is it interesting? What makes it rewarding?

I enjoy the inner workings of my command, handling the top secret material that will help my command stay on top of things and to help my command to be ready at a moment's notice for whatever we are called upon to do.

How do you become qualified for this job?

Take the ASVAB before entering the Navy - Attend boot camp, attend A-school for my rate and graduate with an 85 or higher. Throughout my first year, I must pass different qualification standards and attend different schools.

How would a young person find out more about this job?

ASVAB score qualifications for IT rate (and others)

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