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Curricula and Learning Links - Career Exploration

Horse Groom

by Rose

What do you do in this job?

Daily care, feeding, grooming, medicating and cleaning of the horses. Muck the stalls, fetch the hay, fill the water pails. Bring the animals in, turn them out, hold for the vet or farrier.

Why is it interesting? What makes it rewarding?

Well, the simplest answer is...because it was working with horses. (Anyone who loves horses will understand that answer.)

Teaching an animal that size to respond to cues is rewarding in itself. Working with such gentle giants is, too. Being outside and maintaining a great deal of healthy physical strength is another reward.

How do you become qualified for this job?

In many cases, you simply start with the lowly jobs and work you way up in terms of responsibility by showing that you know what you are doing and have a skill for the work.

The pay is not spectacular by any means. It is a nice entry level position though for a young someone just starting out or wanting to get a taste for the industy.

How would a young person find out more about this job?

Contact a horse farm near you to see if they are looking for help.

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