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Wisdom from Proverbs:
Devotions for Homeschooling Moms

by Barbara Coyle

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Wisdom from Proverbs: Devotions for Homeschooling Moms by Barbara Coyle. Paperback, 160 pages, $12.95. Published by VBW Publishing. Please support by buying this book using our Amazon affiliate link.

Homeschooling mother Barbara Coyle journeys through selected verses from the book of Proverbs in Wisdom from Proverbs: Devotions for Homeschooling Moms. Inspired by her own efforts to improve herself and become a more Godly wife and mother, Mrs. Coyle speaks directly to Christian women who may be feeling burned-out, insufficient, irritable, and overwhelmed.

Each of the fifty sections begins with a Proverb quoted from the New King James Version. Then the author frequently shares some aspect of her personal life that relates to the Proverb, or she asks some questions which are sure to convict every mother. Mrs. Coyle makes suggestions for thought or action and finishes with verses for further study.

Recommendation: Wisdom from Proverbs: Devotions for Homeschooling Moms is a sure way to revive and invigorate homeschooling mothers! By taking a week to memorize each Proverb and meditate on the devotional, this book will last almost a year. By that time, Christian women will have developed a deeper sense of themselves and a more Godly relationship with their families. resources related to this review:'s Message Boards for encouragement and fellowship with Christian women!
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