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A Thomas Jefferson Education
Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-First Century

by Oliver Van DeMille

Review by Martha Robinson

A Thomas Jefferson Education, Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-First Century by Oliver Van DeMille. Published by George Wythe College Press. $26.95 Available from's Amazon link.

Oliver Van DeMille wrote A Thomas Jefferson Education to share his vision of reviving the kind of leadership our country had at the time of its founding. He emphasizes that many of our Founders, as students, did not foresee the challenges that would induce their rise to greatness, but that each one started with a particular kind of education. This method of learning involved classic authors, mentors, hard work, and faith; and it is the key to the rebirth of principled leadership in society.

A strong proponent of homeschooling, Mr. DeMille points out that historically public education was reserved for children of parents who could not afford anything better. Parents with a true concern for their children's education homeschooled them to a point, and then had them do individualized study with a mentor. The author refers to today's system of public schooling as "conveyor belt" education, a method that teaches people what to think .

The author further illustrates the current state of affairs with a discussion of the "national book." In times past an American college student when surveyed would say that the documents most affecting his life were the Bible and the Declaration of Independence. Today's college students reply that rock music lyrics are the biggest influences in their lives.

In order to stem the tide of mediocrity, the parent must first retrain herself to think. The book offers classic book lists, simple instructions on how to get started reading them, and discussion questions for several classics. A student should only read a book that the parent has already completed so that the parent can mentor the child with discussions on the book's relevance. Discussion groups with more students are recommended, and parents are encouraged to remain quiet until the students "open up." As the student reaches the mid-teenage years, the author advocates finding a more experienced mentor.

Mr. DeMille concludes the book with a discussion of how much statesmen are needed today. He asserts that people may choose to live the "good, honest lives and to pay the price of greatness" and that if we pursue a Thomas Jefferson education for ourselves and our children, we "will become the change you wish to see in the world."

Recommendation: A Thomas Jefferson Education gives another point of view for implementing classical education, or the liberal arts, at home. Children struggling with endless memorization and eight hour school days using other visions of the classical approach will thrill with the idea of reading and discussing books. With proper preparation on the part of the parent, the student will make great progress in learning.

Other HomeschoolChristian resources related to this review:'s Classical Homeschooling Section with resources, links, and ideas for implementing the classical education
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