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Learnables Bible Stories

by Jacqueline Miller and Harris Winitz

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Bible Stories in French by Jacqueline Miller and Harris Winitz. $25. One CD and a paperback book also available in Spanish and German. Available only from the publisher, International Linguistics Corporation.

International Linguistics Corporation, publishers of The Learnables, offers Bible Stories as a supplement for students who have completed Level 2 of Learnables or one year or more of high school foreign language. The program is also available in Spanish and German.

The book has fifty-seven pages, each corresponding to a track on the CD. Pages (other than title pages) have two or three line drawings that each have a sentence or two written in French below the picture to tell the story. The stories are about creation, the Garden of Eden, Noah's ark, Moses and the Ten Commandments, Jericho, David and Goliath, the birth of Jesus, His baptism, His miracles, sins, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, and the Ascension.

The CD has a male, native-French speaker as narrator. He reads the title of the section after a brief piece of piano music, the page number for each page, and the sentence shown in the book. The entire audio takes about 20 minutes.

Recommendation: Bible Stories in French is a wonderful supplement for Christian families. While the stories are brief and simple, they convey vocabulary that is not found in other programs and bring additional depth to foreign language studies. This program does not have any denominational doctrine, but rather sticks to Bible facts. resources related to this review:

Review of The Learnables
Review of Power-Glide Children's French's Foreign Language Resources Section

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