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The Heart of a Teacher:
True Stories of Inspiration and Encouragement

compiled by Wayne Holmes

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: The Heart of a Teacher: True Stories of Inspiration and Encouragement compiled by Wayne Holmes. Hardcover, 243 pages, $14.99. Please support by buying this book from our Amazon affiliate link.

Wayne Holmes shares fifty-one sweet and encouraging stories in his anthology The Heart of a Teacher. Many authors write about how a teacher's example or actions influenced them as a child, while others write from the perspective of teachers and how they have been able to nurture students. One account is by described by an overwhelmed homeschooling mother whose daughter gives her inspiration on a rough day. Many of the tales talk about the particular impact that a Christian teacher may have on students.

Recommendation: While this volume is written with classroom teachers in mind, the stories definitely apply to the homeschooling parent. Encouragement as well as ideas for creative teaching may be gleaned from its pages. The Heart of a Teacher is sure to uplift teachers in any classroom environment: public school, Sunday school, or private school. resources related to this review:'s All About Homeschooling Section
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