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Growing Together II, Six Intergenerational Celebrations

by Sylvia DeVillers, Sara Fontana, Kathy Finley

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Growing Together II, Six Intergenerational Celebrations, Volume II: Spring & Summer, by Sylvia DeVillers, Sara Fontana, Kathy Finley. Paperback, $17.95. Published by Morehouse Group. Out of print. Please check for availability at Alibris or AbeBooks.

Growing Together II has resources for planning and implementing six celebrations: Mardi Gras, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, a summer celebration of God's creation, and the Assumption. Written from a Catholic perspective, the book has ideas to bring church groups and families together on holidays with experiential learning, prayer, singing, and art.

Each of the sections begins with a gathering prayer and an introduction to the holiday. Mardi Gras, for example, is addressed from its historic perspective and contrasted with Lent. A planning page then has questions and guidance for making the day a success. Next come the activities for the celebration. Rich food recipes, scavenger hunts, homemade noisemakers, and alleluia singing are some of the activities for Mardi Gras. Plays, games, crafts, and gardening are included for other celebrations. A closing prayer ends each section.

Recommendation: While Growing Together II will be particularly valuable to Catholic families, it will also be a useful reference to Protestant denominations who celebrate some or all of the holidays included. The book is well organized and has a wealth of interesting and fun activities that will bring all participants closer to each other and the Lord. resources related to this review:'s Holiday Page with crafts, cooking, links, and more!

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