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Geography Through Art

by Sharon Jeffus and Jamie Aramini

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Geography Through Art, International Art Projects for Kids by Sharon Jeffus and Jamie Aramini. Paperback, 190 pages, $19.95. Published by Geography Matters. Please support by buying this book using our Christian Book Distributors link or our Amazon affiliate link.

Geography Through Art is a revised and expanded version of Teaching Geography Through Art, published by Visual Manna. The book is recommended as a resource for the Trail Guide series and Eat Your Way Around the World, but can easily be used as a supplement to geography or history studies.

The authors begin with the basics. Instructions for making a geography notebook, art tips, safety tips, a supplies list, and teaching tips for both family and group settings are covered. The first section of art addresses the earth as a whole, with a map, paper mache project, and information about making maps.

The program then provides projects for twenty-five countries grouped by continent. Each section explains interesting information about the art forms and cultures of the country being studied. Lessons (several per country) are laid out with materials lists and step-by-step instructions. Ample black-and-white illustrations guide the student towards having a successful project.

The appendix includes a variety of materials. Recipes for homemade clay, a geography flash card template, and outline maps of each continent are a few of the items found there.

Recommendation: By combining art, geography, and history, Geography Through Art is bound to excite your student. Since there are several projects per country, your family has the flexibility to spend a little or a lot of time on a country. The projects are interesting, and with the detailed instructions, everyone can have success. This program has been greatly expanded from the older version, Teaching Geography Through Art, and for this reason, we recommend purchasing the new Geography Through Art.

Additional Recommendation by Tory: It is perfect for an overall view of the different countries and the art that is unique to each region. For example, for Africa the student makes a Kente Cloth, and learns that it is used for ceremonial purposes in Ghana.

Most of the countries have several art projects to choose from. The maps and templates are provided in the back of the book. You do have to use your own art supplies. Most are very affordable to do and use objects a home school family probably already has on hand.

My students are middle to high school. Younger students would require more help for some of the projects, but there are enough to choose from that I think it could be easily adapted for the higher elementary grades. resources related to this review:'s Geography page with many resources and creative ideas for studying geography.'s Art Page with many resources for studying art!
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