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Easter Make and Do

by Gillian Chapman

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Easter Make and Do by Gillian Chapman. Paperback, 32 pages. $7.99 Published by Concordia Publishing House. Please support by buying this book using our Amazon affiliate link.

Easter Make and Do crafts and brief Bible stories for events that occurred from Palm Sunday to after the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples. These simple crafts use inexpensive items that may be around the house or are readily available at a craft store. Included are a scale for the moneylenders' money, a container for the perfume that was used to anoint Jesus, thirty pieces of silver, and figures for an Easter diorama. The final craft is a fish wall hanging to go along with the story of the risen Jesus providing breakfast to his disciples. Beautiful pictures and step-by-step instructions make implementation of the projects easy. A list of where to find the stories in the Bible completes the book.

Recommendation: Easter Make and Do is a wonderful activity book to help elementary aged children assimilate the events of Jesus' final week, rising, and time with the disciples. The crafts are fun and attractive, and with the instructions provided, they will be easy to implement within the family or with a Sunday School group. resources related to this review:'s Holiday Page with crafts, cooking, links, and more!

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