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The Distant Shore

by Debora M. Coty

Reviewed by Carly Robinson

Purchase details: The Distant Shore by Debora M. Coty. Paperback, 264 pages, $13.99. Please support by buying this book using our Amazon affiliate link.

When Emma-Lee Palmer moves to her Aunt's house to escape her abusive father's anger, she doesn't know what to expect or why she was sent away. Follow her as she overcomes her fears through faith in God, makes new friends, and experiences many adventures on historic Merritt Island, Florida. During her time away from home, her reliance on God grows as she must depend on Him to keep her safe through stressful and sometimes dangerous experiences.

The Distant Shore can also be used for curriculum. The "Break It Down" instructional section at the end of the book suggests study questions, discussion topics, and essay themes for each chapter. This book could be an addition to an English or writing program.

Recommendation: This exciting book is for girls aged 12 and up. While this book can help strengthen faith through Emma-Lee's example, the parents may wish to preview the book before letting their child read it to ensure that the content is acceptable for their family. See the spoiler below for more information.

SPOILER: This book covers abusive family situations. Emma-Lee's mother ends up being killed by her husband through abuse. While the reading level is suitable for younger adolescents, the content is definitely geared towards older children, preferably teens. resources related to this review:

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