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Homeschool Co-ops, How to Start Them,
Run Them and Not Burn Out

by Carol Topp

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Homeschool Co-ops, How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out by Carol Topp. Paperback, 175 pages, $12.50. Published by Aventine Press. Please support by buying this book using our Amazon affiliate link.

Carol Topp, a certified public accountant and homeschooling mother, draws from her personal experience to explain how to start and run a co-op. She shares encouragement and advice for parents considering participating in or starting a co-op.

The book begins with a discussion of what a co-op is, "a group of homeschooling parents that voluntarily unite together to educate their children." Mrs. Topp contrasts the many ways to work together with parent volunteers, professional teachers, or a combination of these. Throughout the book she differentiates co-ops by size, enumerating pros and cons of small, medium, and large size groups.

The book is particularly helpful in the chapters of Mrs. Topp's area of expertise, financial management. The author shares much insight into organizing the co-op's accounting, budgeting, and becoming a non profit, 501(c)3 corporation. Additional resources are available free or at a cost from Mrs. Topp's website.

Recommendation: Homeschool Co-ops is bound to make the process of starting a co-op less confusing. Mrs. Topp's advice and checklists for applying for non-profit status are valuable for new and existing co-ops and even for homeschooling support groups. resources related to this review:'s All About Homeschooling Section
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