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Celebrations Make & Do

by Gillian Chapman

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Celebrations Make & Do by Gillian Chapman. Paperback, 32 pages. $7.99. Published by Concordia Publishing House. Please support by buying this program from our Amazon affiliate link.

Celebrations Make & Do offers crafts and brief Bible stories for Christian holidays throughout the year. Included are Advent, Epiphany, Candlemas (the day the offering was taken to the Temple after Jesus' birth), Lent, Easter, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Thanksgiving, and All Saints' Day. Each holiday has a brief story that ties into the craft, a materials list, and detailed step-by-step instructions. Painting, clay, paper art, and cloth are some of the media used. The book ends with a list of Biblical references for the stories.

Recommendation: Celebrations Make & Do is a fun activity book to help elementary aged children appreciate the meaning of Christian holidays. The crafts are fun and simple, and could easily be used in a family or with a Sunday School group. resources related to this review:'s Holiday Page with crafts, cooking, links, and more!

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