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Before and After Easter:
Activities and Ideas - Lent to Pentecost

by Debbie Trafton O'Neal

Reviewed by Martha Robinson

Purchase details: Before and After Easter: Activities and Ideas - Lent to Pentecost by Debbie Trafton O'Neal. Paperback, 64 pages. List price: $11.99 Published by Augsburg Fortress. Please support by buying this program from our Amazon affiliate link.

Before and After Easter, Activities and Ideas - Lent to Pentecost, provides daily devotionals and activities for children and families for the forty days of Lent and weekly devotionals for the seven weeks from Easter to Pentecost. The author begins with an explanation of the history and traditions of Lent, a time used in the early church as preparation for new converts' baptism, and a time self-examination and prayer leading up to Easter. Each day in Before and After Easter includes a Bible verse, a devotional story from history, legend, or the Bible, and a song, hands-on craft, or cooking activity. Whimsical illustrations add to the appeal to children. Punch-out cardstock butterflies for making into a mobile are attached to the back cover.

Recommendation: Before and After Easter is a wonderful devotional for the season. It is easy to use, and the devotions are brief enough to fit into even the busiest family's schedule. The activities are meaningful, but not overly complex, and yet they will appeal to a wide range of ages. The book is also attractive, and the bright colors are bound to get the attention of the children. resources related to this review:'s Holiday Page with crafts, cooking, links, and more!

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