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Before and After Christmas,
Activities and Ideas for Advent and Epiphany

by Debbie Trafton O'Neal

Review by Martha Robinson

Before and After Christmas, Activities and Ideas for Advent and Epiphany by Debbie Trafton O'Neal. Published by Augsburg Fortress. Paperback. $10.99 list price. Please support by buying this book using our Amazon affiliate link.

Before and After Christmas offers daily activities and devotions for each day of Advent and the twelve days of Christmas. Each day begins with a short Bible reading of one to four verses. Then, a story about some aspect of Christmas is related. Various legends, of the holly, the poinsettia, and candles on Christmas day, for example, along with traditions from our country and others, are included. Each day ends with a craft or cooking project that frequently relates to the story. Two punch-out Christmas ornaments conclude the book.

Recommendation: Before and After Christmas is an excellent book for young families to use to celebrate faith. With its daily craft and brief devotion, even the smallest family members can participate in the joy of the Advent season. resources related to this review:'s Holiday Page with crafts, cooking, links, and more!

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