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Curricula and Learning Links - Math

Learning Math Facts

What is a good way to memorize the multiplication facts? It doesn't have to be boring! Here are some ideas and links to help make multiplying more fun.

Skip counting teaches children the pattern of each series. For example, the chant would be 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and so on to learn the "3" multiplication facts. Writing down the numbers to let the children see the pattern really helps cement the facts. For instance, the "9" facts always add up to nine: 9, 18 (1+8=9), 27 (2+7=9), 36 (3+6=9), etc. When the 9x6 fact comes up, the answers are all the reverse of the previous facts. (9x6=54 while 9x5 was 45 - the inverted number!) The children can find many interesting patterns if you go through the numbers this way.

Writing the numbers in pyramids also helps. Try having the children skip count as they write like this:


Skip Counting Songs: Skip Count Kids Bible Heroes combines Bible stories with catchy songs. You can play skip counting tapes in the car and remind children when they forget a fact to count up with the song.

Animal toss game: Find a large space in your home (living room, perhaps!) Begin with a number (3) and toss the animal to the next person. That person must say the next number (6) to receive the animal. Then the last person must say the next number to get the animal (9), and before it can be tossed to the one who began he must say the next number (12). And so on. - Faith

Offer encouragement! Remember as they learn more tables to point out how much they already know! If they can add doubles, they know their zeros, ones, and twos. When they know the 3 table, you can start the 4s at 4x4 because they already know 4x3; when they start the 5s they can start at 5x5 because they already know 5x4 and so on. My son is now on his 9s and only has to learn 2 facts! 9x9 and 9x12. - Faith

Dice game: Set one die at the particular factor that you need to work on. Then roll the other die and multiply the numbers. Write down the results and add to see who wins.

Other Resources

Math Phonics: Multiplication by Marilyn B. Hein

Math U See free drill page Interactive drills for multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Mathblox Drill for math facts.

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